Last Updated: May 15, 2016
· adrian2112

Lookahead and Lookbehind regex

Sometimes we need to look if a string matches or contains a certain pattern and that's what regular expressions (regex) are for.
But sometimes we have the condition that this pattern is preceded or followed by another certain pattern.
We certainly can do that as easy as adding this other pattern to the one we are looking for

Pattern looked for: [0-9]*
Preceded by: [a-z]
Join and profit: [a-z][0-9]*

But what happens if we need this condition to be matched but we want to get the string that matched the pattern without the conditioning pattern

a = "k47"

# match all numbers preceded by a letter

# but we just want the number :(
> "k47"

Introducing lookahead and lookbehind regex



Meaning: followed by the expression regex but without including it in the match


a yolo followed by a lo but without including it in the match

input: yolo yololo

regex: yolo(?=lo)

result: yolo yololo


Meaning: not followed by the expression regex


a yolo not followed by a lo!lo)&test=yolo%20yololo

input: yolo yololo

regex: yolo(?!lo)

result: yolo yololo



Meaning: preceded by the expression regex but without including it in the match


a lol preceded by a yo but without including it in the match

input: lol yololo

regex: (?<=yo)lol

result: lol yo​lolo


Meaning: not preceded by the expression regex


a lol not preceded by a yo!yo)lol&test=lol%20yololo

input: lol yololo

regex: (?<!yo)lol

result: lol yololo

Ruby example

a.gsub(/(?<=:)[0-9]+/, '"\0"')

Surround any number preceded by a : between "

a = "{a:123,c:12345}"

a.gsub(/(?<=:)[0-9]+/, '"\0"')

> "{a:\"123\",c:\"12345\"}"

the regex syntax can change depending on the language