Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· loki2302

Tomcat web-application deployment

A lab aimed to develop a "typical" solution for Spring MVC/Maven web application deployment to Tomcat 7. Requirements are:

  1. There should be a solution to run application locally.
  2. There should be a solution to configure, build and deploy application to Tomcat 7 server.

How to play with it

  1. Running application locally using embedded Jetty: mvn clean jetty:run-exploded. Because I have no idea how to make it work with jetty:run without lots of extra stuff in pom.xml, my solution is: first, build war package and explode it, then, run exploded package with Jetty.
  2. Deploying application to Tomcat 7 (predefined settings): mvn clean tomcat7:redeploy -Ptomcat-deployment
  3. Deploying application to Tomcat 7 (Teamcity settings): mvn clean tomcat7:redeploy -Pteamcity. This will expect the environment to provide:
  • TOMCAT_SERVER - server name described in Maven's settings.xml.
  • TOMCAT_URL - URL of Tomcat's management application. Normally, something like http://localhost:8080/manager/text.
  • TOMCAT_PATH - relative path to deploy application to. Example: /experiment.
  • ENVNAME - used only for illustrative purposes. Can be whatever desired.
  • ROOTURL - used only for illustrative purposes. Can be whatever desired.

Environment pre-configuration

Tomcat 7 should have a user with deployment permissions. This is done by making changes to [tomcat7]/conf/tomcat-users.xml:

  <user name="deployer" password="deploy123" roles="manager-script" />

Deployment requires Maven to have credentials for accessing Tomcat's management service. This is done by making changes to settings.xml:

      <id>TomcatServer</id> <!-- It's, BTW, what `TOMCAT_SERVER` is -->