Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· sergiotapia

How do I know I'm ready for an entry level web development job?

Many programmers have asked themselves this very question at one point in their career.

During my Saturday night internet browsing, I found a great litmus test you can use to determine whether or not you're ready for an entry level web development job.

Here is a good litmus test:

At its core, a cookbook application is a CRUD application. This means it includes web pages which:

  • C reate data.
  • R ead data.
  • U pdate data.
  • D elete data.

To do this (without an out-of-the-box CMS of course, you must implement a fair amount of C#, SQL, XHTML, and CSS. This would be a good start.

Once you can build a cookbook application, reflect a little bit more. Can you build an attractive cookbook application? That is, can you build an application which is both aesthetically pleasing and very usable?

To do this, you must implement a fair amount of javascript and/or jQuery.

If you can do this, then you are most certainly ready to interview for an entry-level ASP.NET position.

And when preparing for the interview, be ready to discuss your experience putting together the "cookbook application".

That's pretty spot on I'd say. In fact, I'm going to use this "Kata" going forward as a way to familiarize myself with new web frameworks.

All credit goes to JimG: