Last Updated: December 31, 2020
· ajduke

Installing Node on Ubuntu

In this, i am going to tell about two ways of installing Node on Ubuntu. Both are ways good, but if you have different applications which are running on different versions of Node, then you want to use the NVM approach

Using PPA

This will install the latest node version from NodeSource PPA

curl -sL | sudo bash -

sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

Above will install the 0.12 version of Node along with npm

Using NVM

Before using following command, make sure have git installed on machine, if not run following use this tip to install same

After run following in terminal,

curl | bash

This will download the script which installs nvm on machine.
Now, close the terminal and open new one.
In new terminal, you will have access to nvm command line tool

nvm -h

Will give help text on using nvm.

Now, we have to download the node onto machine, with the nvm tool.

nvm install 0.12.7

Above, will install node with version 0.12.7.
Now, to use node with you have to do following -

 $ nvm use 0.12.7
Now using node v0.12.7

Which will switch to 0.12.7 version of node and you will have access to node and npm.

Now, if you close the terminal and again open and trying to access node, you will get error.
because, nvm use only changes version to current shell.

To make default, you have to do following

nvm alias default 0.12.7

In which, we are setting default version of node to be used across globally.

There is unofficial port of windows exists with installer for same, refer the to this link for more - NVM for Windows

2 Responses
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@vsviridov Thanks! I updated the tip accordingly.

over 1 year ago ·