Last Updated: April 23, 2019
· steveniseki

Inline elements and block level elements

<b>Block-level elements</b> are formatted visually as blocks, they have a definable width and height and automatically create a new row in the layout as they’re created.

<b>Inline elements</b> are displayed inside the current block on the same line. They don’t have a definable height and width and will not create new rows in a layout.

<b>Common block level elements</b>

<button>    push button
<caption>   table caption
<div>   generic language/style container
<form>  interactive form
<h1>    heading
<h2>    heading
<h3>    heading
<h4>    heading
<h5>    heading
<h6>    heading
<hr>    horizontal rule
<iframe>    inline subwindow
<li>    list item
<map>   client-side image map
<object>    generic embedded object
<ol>    ordered list
<p> paragraph
<pre>   preformatted text
<table> table
<tbody> table body
<td>    table data cell
<tfoot> table footer
<th>    table header cell
<thead> table header
<tr>    table row
<ul>    unordered list

<b>Common inline elements</b>

<a> anchor
<acronym>   acronym
<b> bold text style
<br>    forced line break
<cite>  citation
<em>    emphasis
<i> italic text style
<img>   Embedded image
<input> form control
<ins>   inserted text
<label> form field label text
<q> short inline quotation
<select>    option selector
<small> small text style
<span>  generic language/style container
<strong>    strong emphasis
<textarea>  multi-line text field

<b>Dimensions for inline elements</b>


For Inline, non-replaced elements, the ‘width’ property does not apply.


For Inline, non-replaced elements, the ‘height’ property doesn’t apply, but the height of the box is given by the ‘line-height’ property.


Padding can be applied to all sides of an inline element, but only left and right padding will have an effect on surrounding content.


Margins can be applied to all sides of an inline element, but only left and right margin will have an effect on surrounding content.